Call for Special Sessions

Accepted Special Sessions are listed in this page

Special Sessions supplement the regular program of ICME 2021 and are intended to provide a sample of the state-of-the-art and highlight important research directions in a field of special interest to ICME participants. Each Special Session should be a focused effort rather than defined broadly.

Special Session Requirements

The target for each Special Session is 5 accepted papers. The following information should be included in the proposal:

In addition to invited papers, other potential authors will be allowed to submit papers to Special Sessions. All papers will go through the same review process as the regular papers submitted to the main conference to ensure that the contributions are of high quality. If a special session has more than 5 papers being accepted, some of the papers will be moved to the regular paper sessions of the conference.

Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and relevance to ICME, as well as the track record of the organizers and anticipated quality of papers in the proposed session. When considering submitting a Special Session proposal, please bear in mind that Special Sessions are expected to be oral sessions, and ICME accepts only the top 15% of submitted papers for oral presentation. Therefore, only those proposals that have the potential to attract the highest quality papers are likely to be approved. Once the proposal has been approved, the organizer(s) and the Special Session co-chairs will arrange the review process.

Special session proposals should be submitted by email to the special session chairs:

Junchi Yan (yanjunchi [AT] and Yi Yu (yiyu [AT], by the deadline reported below.

Important Dates

Special Session Chairs

Junchi Yan
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Yi Yu
National Institute of Informatics, Japan